
“Indecision may or may not be my problem.” -Jimmy Buffett If you are indecisive, it is a problem. It adds stress to your life and other’s lives too. The stress builds every time you don’t decide something. Choosing not to decide is still a...

Plan your life or it will plan you.

How much time did you spend planning for this coming weekend? How about your last vacation? Why do you plan it? We plan for these things because we’re looking forward to them and there are things we want to be sure we do. Planning gets us excited. How much time...

I wanna be an astronaut!

Did you have a dream when you were in kindergarten? Did you want to be a fireman or a doctor or a professional wrestler? Do you have that same dream now? Some of us take our childhood dreams to fulfillment. Some of us outgrow those dreams. Neither outcome is better...