Quitter’s Day 2021

January 8th was quitter’s day this year. Quitter’s day is the day on which most people give up their New Year’s Resolutions. That’s a little sad, but not really unexpected. New Year’s Resolutions are typically not well thought out. A...

Urgent or important?

Urgent and important are not the same the thing. Something can be urgent or important or both or neither. A phone ringing is urgent (answer now answer now answer now) but it usually isn’t important. What are you spending your time on? Urgent? Important? Neither?...

Deep breath

Taking a deep breath from time to time is a good idea. It slows you down, re-centers you, it just feels good. The week between Christmas and New Years Day has always felt like a deep breath to me. I take this week to summarize my past year and plan my next. I’m...


Do you have any goals? Most people don’t. A lot of people have wishes about someday. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you want that goal to really drive you though, you need to make it specific. What do you want (exactly) and when will you achieve it...

Eating an Elephant

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. It’s an old saying. Henry Ford said it this way, “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.” Both are saying the same thing. ‘Every job or task can be divided into smaller...

This will be a great week!

Today is Monday. People complain about Mondays. People really enjoy their coffee on Mondays. Instead of being a downer, think of this Monday, today, as a new beginning. A time to start doing stuff you have always wanted to but never did….for whatever reason....