I like birds

I like birds. I always have. I don’t really study them. I confuse sparrows and wrens and the varieties of each. I just like them. It makes me smile when there are a bunch of them sitting on the same power line, facing the same direction, watching the sun set or...


If you are reading this, then you are in a select group in this world. Those who can read. That’s how I was going to begin this post. I was then going to tell you that it is rare in this world for people to be able to read and that you should be thankful that...

Be the Sunshine

It’s kinda cloudy here in Michigan today. We’re entering a time when we get a lot of clouds. That creates a bit of a problem for those of us who love to see the sun! But far worse than this is the people who never see a sunny face. Their only exposure to...

I forgive you

That’s can be easy to say. Sometimes hard to do. When someone has hurt us, or even worse, someone we love…well, that’s tough to really forgive. We will remember it for years, and quite often hold a grudge against that person. Your brain will remember...


Someone you encounter today will be wondering if anyone even knows they are around. Do they matter? Does anyone care? The problem is, you won’t necessarily know who that is….in fact, it is doubtful you will. So….how do you reach them? Here’s...


A good listener is hard to find. We’re great responders. We can tell people why they are wrong before the even finish saying anything. Stephen Covey talks about it in his amazing book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. It’s been around...