Deep breath

Taking a deep breath from time to time is a good idea. It slows you down, re-centers you, it just feels good. The week between Christmas and New Years Day has always felt like a deep breath to me. I take this week to summarize my past year and plan my next. I’m...


Hope is not a wish. We seem to use the word that way sometimes, but it isn’t quite right. Hope is a confident expectation of a positive outcome. Expectation. That is the key to hope. It isn’t just wanting something to happen, it is expecting it to happen....

Being there

You know, being a friend doesn’t mean agreeing with everything the other person says. It doesn’t mean liking all the same books or movies. It doesn’t mean dressing the same. All of these can be true, but it isn’t what’s important. Being a...


Do you have any goals? Most people don’t. A lot of people have wishes about someday. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you want that goal to really drive you though, you need to make it specific. What do you want (exactly) and when will you achieve it...

Keep learning

Do you know everything? I don’t. That makes it easy to find things I don’t know. Learning something new every day keeps your mind sharp and keeps that child-like wonder going. It’s also fun. Learn stuff that is useful like, how thick is a 2×4...


Today is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance day. Today we honor those who died in the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. We thank them for their sacrifice. What those people and many others in many circumstances have done was huge. They gave everything for others. Most...


You’re going to have them. That’s just the way it is. The big question is how are you going to respond. Are you going to blame the world for being unfair and then sit in the corner and suck your thumb? Are you going to realize that things happen, figure...


Even though I love hot weather and summer is my favorite time of year….I love the month of December. It is the end of another year. A time to think about what we’ve accomplished this past year and what we hope to accomplish next year. To me it is a...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Take today off from your problems and spend your day thinking about the things for which you can be thankful. You’ve got them. If you don’t think so, send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll prove it to you. By the way, are you reading this?...

You are enough

The world is constantly telling you that you aren’t enough. Not tall enough, not smart enough, not driven enough, not skinny enough. You are enough. You have value just as you are. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to improve yourself. But grow in...