Change your World

Our world is crazy. Beautiful, but crazy. People who hate or are “extreme” get the attention of the infotainment industry (there isn’t much of a news industry anymore). Social media spends far more time talking about dark, evil or depressing things...

Be Wrong.

It’s okay to be wrong. Actually, if you’re never wrong, you never growing. People seem to be afraid of being wrong. So much so that they always seek someone to blame. “It’s not my fault.” Has become the mantra of society today. You can...


God grant me patience-and hurry! Patience is tough, especially when it’s no longer a matter of deciding….it’s just waiting. Patience is important during the time of decision making. Weigh the facts, choose the best option available and then go. I...

Make a Masterpiece

This saying has been around for a long, long time. While it may be true, it’s good to really think about what it is saying. I think it is more accurate to say “An Opportunity Knocks but Once.” When an opportunity comes your way, you can say...

Make a Masterpiece

No matter who you are, you are different than I am. You look different, think different, act different. No matter who you are, you are chemically, very similar to me. You believe some things differently than I. You believe a lot of things very similar to the way I do....

Quitter’s Day 2021

January 8th was quitter’s day this year. Quitter’s day is the day on which most people give up their New Year’s Resolutions. That’s a little sad, but not really unexpected. New Year’s Resolutions are typically not well thought out. A...

Who’s the jerk?

Perhaps I’m naive, but I believe that in general people want to be kind and helpful to those around them. When someone is behaving differently than that, it is usually because they are confused or worried about something, or they are in pain. That goes for you...

Tell them

Is there someone you care about in your life? Tell them so. Don’t wait. There are people in your circle right now that don’t think anyone cares about them or needs them. They are hurting and need a connection. Your kind words may be the only thing keeping...

2020 vs. 2021

Well, we’re 1% of the way through 2021. It sure goes fast. 2020 was a challenging year, no doubt about that. It seemed there was one trial after another. Everyone I have talked to indicates the same. Another thing that seems to be pretty common is the idea that...

Urgent or important?

Urgent and important are not the same the thing. Something can be urgent or important or both or neither. A phone ringing is urgent (answer now answer now answer now) but it usually isn’t important. What are you spending your time on? Urgent? Important? Neither?...