Being Needed

That person you just walked past, he or she needs you. It’s true. You know how I know that? Because we all need others. We don’t always believe it or admit it, but its true. We need other people in a wide variety of ways. They need us in the same wide variety. We need...


Did you ever notice that some people are “complainers”? They walk with their head down and if you ask them how it’s going, the reply always begins with a big sigh? Is that you? I sure hope not. Complaining brings you down, and rarely solves anything. Complaining...


What does today mean to you? After today is done, its gone. You’ll never get it back. Sure, you may get another one, but you’ll never get this one back. Coach Wooden said ‘Make every day a masterpiece’. No one else can make your day a...

Be the Sunshine

It’s kinda cloudy here in Michigan today. We’re entering a time when we get a lot of clouds. That creates a bit of a problem for those of us who love to see the sun! But far worse than this is the people who never see a sunny face. Their only exposure to...


The calendar has seasons marked on them very clearly. Here where I live, it is starting to get colder, it is autumn. The frost is on the grass in the morning and people are starting to wear light jackets and hoodies. There was even some ice on my deck yesterday. We...