You can learn from that person

There is no one that you can’t learn something from. Everyone has something to teach. Everyone has something to share. It doesn’t mean that you have to accept everything someone says without evaluating it…..use you mind. But even if you disagree,...

Optimist or Pessimist

Which one are you? You can be either one. It’s your choice. I’m generally an optimist, but there are occasions where I am a really good pessimist. I try not to be, as pessimism tends to add stress and sadness. I’m a work in progress. Optimism...

Don’t like where you’re going?

Change it. No matter how small the change, it will change where you go. Jim Rohn said, ‘When you change your direction, you automatically change your destination.” It has been calculated that if an airplane that just took off from Los Angeles, heading to...


We all need hope. Every one of us has had a time when we have felt hopeless. When we’re feeling hopeless, we need someone to just be there. We don’t need platitudes or catch phrases. People around you need hope. Just be there. You can do...

Being Needed

That person you just walked past, he or she needs you. It’s true. You know how I know that? Because we all need others. We don’t always believe it or admit it, but its true. We need other people in a wide variety of ways. They need us in the same wide variety. We need...