
It is Tuesday, November 8th as I write this. Election Day. I don’t know the results, yet. I pray for peace, no matter the outcome. I pray for maturity, that we can all believe that others are not idiots just because they see things different than we do. I pray...

Different is good!

Different is good! If you and I are exactly the same, then one of us is unnecessary. A person may be good at math but have no idea how to teach it to anyone. A person may be good at art, but have trouble counting to 20 without taking off his shoes. If those two people...

Giving up

Did you ever feel like giving up? One of those times when you’ve just had it? You give and give and not only does no one appreciate it, but they just want more. And there is no one who cares about what you need. Have you been there? Have you felt that? I have,...

Thinking days

Some days are good “thinking days”. Most days should be “doing” days, but you have to have some thinking days in there too. Some days just feel like they are made for it. So, when you can, use them for it. Take those times of high mental focus...

I like birds

I like birds. I always have. I don’t really study them. I confuse sparrows and wrens and the varieties of each. I just like them. It makes me smile when there are a bunch of them sitting on the same power line, facing the same direction, watching the sun set or...