Decisions can be tough. We make hundreds, even thousands of them every day. Some are automatic, some take a lot of deliberation.
Should I wear white socks or the ones with dinosaurs on them? Should I turn here, or go up a mile? Should I call that person I’ve been thinking about? (Yes, you should). Should I drive to work on a snowy day, or work from home?
Should I buy a house or stay where I am? Should I change jobs? Should I ask him/her to marry me?
So how do we decide?
For the easy, everyday ones, we do a quick evaluation and pick one. The difference in results isn’t enough to spend much time or energy.
But for the big ones we have a bunch of options…Ben Franklin balance sheet, ask those who’ve gone before, research similar decisions that have been made by others, pray about it, sleep on it, meditate, full blown weighted analysis, risk analysis and whatever other fancy name you want to give it. Then we use all that data, and choose the one that fits our goals best….or, more accurately, fits our emotions best.
Remember, not deciding is a decision too.
Decisions and choices are emotional things. Even when we’re just looking at the facts, emotions come in to play. Some people are more visibly emotional, but everyone’s emotions have an influence on their decisions. That’s okay….that’s being human.
Go ahead and make those decisions. You’ve got lots of practice.
You can do this.
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