Our world is crazy. Beautiful, but crazy. People who hate or are “extreme” get the attention of the infotainment industry (there isn’t much of a news industry anymore). Social media spends far more time talking about dark, evil or depressing things than positive things.
Television supports intolerance, violence and ‘me first’. Then we wonder why everyone is so depressed.
Think about more positive things. Think about things that build people up rather than tear them down. Think on things that inspire you.
When looking for a quick video to entertain you watch things like the “people are awesome” collection on YouTube, rather than videos of mass shootings or violent criminals.
Stop going to Facebook pages whose only desire is to spread depression and self-hatred. Visit pages that show the success people have had in helping others.
Take time to help someone today rather than looking for new ways to demean yourself.
Take a moment, right now, and think of one person you’re going to help today. Just one. And then do it.
What you will find is that you can’t help just one person. When you help someone else, you help yourself too.
When you wake up tomorrow, do it again. You’ll be glad you did.
You can do this.
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