January 8th was quitter’s day this year. Quitter’s day is the day on which most people give up their New Year’s Resolutions.
That’s a little sad, but not really unexpected. New Year’s Resolutions are typically not well thought out. A passing fancy of what would be nice.
Now goals….those are different. A goal is well thought out and planned. I believe the most important part of a goal is the “why”. “Why” is often overlooked, but it puts the energy into the goal. Why do you want this goal? Is it important to you or to someone else? Maybe it is important to you because it is important to someone else.
There are other aspects to good goals, but you must know why you’re doing it or the rest won’t matter.
Don’t wait until next December to make a resolution that won’t last until February. Make a goal now that will last a lifetime.
You can do this.
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