Perhaps the two most lame words in the English language when used together. These two words can be empowering though. They give you the strength to do absolutely nothing and blame something that isn’t you.
You’re better than that.
“If only” says that you’d be able to do it if things were different. If only I had a better upbringing. If only I more time in the day. If only I had a better car, shinier shoes, longer legs, blonder hair, lower taxes, less politicians, less covid, I’m here to tell you, ‘you don’t’. What you have is what you have. Use it. There’s a way.
My church has wanted to do video services for a while. If we’d only had the time, the money and the drive, we would have made it happen long ago. Then disaster hit….Covid-19. Messed everything up. We now have two services and many meetings done virtually. And the way they are being done is improving constantly. Not in spite of Covid, but because of covid. You know the saying, ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’.
If you’ve got lemons, use that sugar that is inside you (attitude, love, knowledge) and make the best lemonade ever.
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