When someone has hurt us, or even worse, someone we love…well, that’s tough to really forgive. We will remember it for years, and quite often hold a grudge against that person.
Your brain will remember what it remembers. There isn’t much you can do to stop the events from rehappening in your mind.
You can control what you do with that memory.
You can choose to view that memory with anger and spite. That is valid. If you make this choice, you will re-live the same pain every time you remember it. Maybe even stronger than when the event happened.
You can also choose to view that memory with acknowledgement that mistakes were made, but no one is perfect. This is also valid. But instead, with this one, the pain will decrease and maybe eventually go away completely. The memory of what happened exists, but the pain is a memory too.
There is enough pain in the world. Let go of any that you can.
You can do this.
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