Now, I’m a dog lover, so, to defend my four legged friends, I must tell you that this is not a condemnation of dogs.
This is a warning about who you hang around with. If you hang around with people who are angry all the time, you will tend to be angry. If you hang around with people who would rather not be productive and useful, you will move that direction.
When this was written, there was no internet social media, but it applies here too. If you spend your time at websites that are constantly complaining about everything, you’ll start feeling down and complain too. If you spend your time at the websites of people who blame everyone else for their problems, you too will find a way to have a depressing, blame filled life.
The good news is…..the opposite is true too!!!!
If you hang out with people who like to smile, you’ll smile more. If you hang out with people who are polite and respectful to others, you will learn to be polite and respectful to others. If you hang out at websites that talk about hope and finding the best in others–you will be a lot HAPPIER!
Hang out with people who help you to feel good about life.
It’s your choice.
You can do this.
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