Happy Thanksgiving!

Take today off from your problems and spend your day thinking about the things for which you can be thankful. You’ve got them. If you don’t think so, send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll prove it to you. By the way, are you reading this?...

You are enough

The world is constantly telling you that you aren’t enough. Not tall enough, not smart enough, not driven enough, not skinny enough. You are enough. You have value just as you are. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to improve yourself. But grow in...

Keep going!

Okay, so you’ve tied your shoes. Now what? Now you take a step, and another step, and another step. Each step will get you closer to your goal. Whether that goal is big or small, take another step. God has a purpose for you. He will direct your steps. Take...

Tie Your Shoes

This simple phrase has meant a lot to me over the years. It is part of a song by Billy Sprague called “Press On”. The line is “Some days I found faith meant just tyin’ my shoes”. There were days that was a difficult task….just...

See the big picture

See the big picture? Didn’t a previous post say we should break things into smaller parts? Yes it did. Both are true. You have to see the big picture to know how all the parts fit together. More precisely, you have to see the big picture before you can break it...