A Grateful Heart

Want to know how to get a grateful heart? You’ve got a lot to be thankful for…..it’s all in how you look at it. Sometimes you have to look hard, some times it’s easy. I’m thankful for my wife and kids and grandkids. That’s easy....

Ups and downs

Last week was a tough week for a lot of people I know. There were a lot of negative things that happened. That’s how it goes sometimes. Some weeks just have more challenges than others. That’s just the way it works. I have other friends who had a great...

It’s today out there!

It is no longer yesterday, so let yesterday go. I guarantee you made some mistakes yesterday. I did. But you can’t change yesterday, so don’t try and don’t worry about it. You did the best you could with everything that came your way yesterday. Today...

What is important to you?

Do you know for what you stand? I don’t mean what others tell you is important, but what you feel is important? Take the time to think about it. Another good way is to ask those who know you best what they think is important to you. Not what they think should be...