How much time did you spend planning for this coming weekend? How about your last vacation?
Why do you plan it? We plan for these things because we’re looking forward to them and there are things we want to be sure we do. Planning gets us excited.
How much time do you spend planning the rest of your life? Most of your time doesn’t consist of vacations. How are you going to use it? Plan your life. It will drive you forward like nothing else can.
Did you ever have one of those days that you get up, do nothing and at the end of it wonder where it went? That’s your life planning you. Don’t let it happen. It’s fine to have time off. Actually, it’s necessary to have time off. When you take time off, enjoy every minute of it. If you want to do nothing for a day, then intend to do nothing for a day….don’t just wonder why nothing happened.
There are those that make things happen, those that watch things happen and those that wonder what happened.
Choose what’s going to happen.
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