Have you heard this phrase? It simply means to mind your manners. There doesn’t seem to be much agreement on the origin of this phrase. I’ll tell you where I think it came from. It may be wrong, but it helps me remember it.

P’s. In my origin theory, this is the word Please, without the “L”.

Q’s. In my origin theory, this is the latter half of the phrase, “ThanK YOU”, so, “kyou”.

Pease and kyous. Not that anyone spelled it this way, it’s just a shortened way to say “Please and Thank Yous”.

No matter where it came from, it’s good advice. People like to talk to polite people. People like to work with polite people. And it shows the respect that everyone deserves. People don’t like to feel unappreciated. When you don’t say please or you don’t say thank you, it is like you are telling someone that serving you is their appropriate place. No matter what your job or title is-you are no more valuable (or less valuable) than anyone else.

Mind your P’s and Q’s. And thank you for reading this!