What do you stand for?

You may have heard the saying, ‘if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything’. It’s true. Everyone needs a solid base to work from. Without this base, you will find yourself supporting things that you don’t really...

A New Week

It’s a new week today. A new chance to try something new. A new chance to get rid of that bad habit. A new chance to start a good one. Want something new? It’s your...

Who have you helped today?

Make an effort to help someone every day. Open a door, answer a question, be polite. Smile at them. It takes so little to brighten a day. If you haven’t done it yet today, do it now. It’s easy and sooooo worth...

Life…what a beautiful thing

Have you ever looked at a leaf? I mean really looked at it? Whether you believe in a Creator (I do) or believe it just happened, the intricacies of a leaf are amazing. The cells in it, and all living things, work together in a symphony of activity. All this activity...

How will you feel today?

“Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”   This quote is often attributed to Abraham Lincoln. Whether he said it or not, it’s true.   Feelings and actions go hand-in-hand. If you feel happy, you’ll do nice things. If you...