You may have heard the phrase, “Smile! It improves your face value!” I think everyone believes this to be true, except maybe for the fashion photographers who tell their models we want to see them pouting. People want to talk to happy people. It makes them feel better.
Did you know that smiles also makes the wearer happier? If you don’t feel like smiling, then force yourself to smile. Before long, your smile will not be forced…it’ll just be there.
A smile can even be heard on the phone. When you pick up the phone, smile before you say anything. The tone of the entire conversation will change in part because the person on the other end can tell you’re smiling, in part because your smile will make you happier.
A smile won’t solve all of your problems, but it may prevent a few from even occurring and make some a little easier to handle.
We can all use that can’t we?
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